Thursday, February 2, 2012

Dr. Oz says....

Wow, I got 5 points yesterday.
Just, wow!
I didn't keep a food journal yesterday, and I can't remember what I ate. I'm pretty sure I went over my limit though.

15 for today.
Way over my calorie limit.
I did exercise though.

I really need to plan out a menu for myself.
I think I'd do much better that way.

Saw this great list somewhere the other day. I added it to Pinterest and now I'm adding it here.
Click on the picture to go to Dr. Oz's page with this on it.
It's much easier to read there.

I really like Dr. Oz.
I think if he thinks the stuff on this list is ok, then it works for me too.


Gwennaƫlle said...
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Gwennaƫlle said...

Baby carrots? I love them but they are so expensive here :(

I don't know how I am going to be able to run today. there is really much snow :(