Thursday, February 2, 2012

I am not done with my soda bottle yet :)

My Aïkido class got canceled because only the girls showed up (3) and on Thursday we are supposed to put the tatami back in the closet. Being only four it was nearly impossible so the teacher canceled the class.
So I worked out at home a little to have my exercising for the day.
Tomorrow I am buying a new thingy for my heart rate since the other one is not working. I should be able to use it on Saturday :)
Gosh I just remembered that I must take my pics back from the café where I was exhibiting them! They are going to hate me if I just leave them there.

Anyway my points for the day are 21-1=20


Mikki said...

You are so funny. What is the -1 for today? Because you still have the soda?

Gwennaëlle said...

Yep, I still do :)