Monday, January 23, 2012

Khourt's Points

Phew! Sorry for not keeping up, things have been insane! The Skating fundraiser for my little boy went fantastic. We raised over $1,000. Not too bad considering we only had about 2 weeks to advertise for it. The lady in charge wants to host another Skate for Losh night to help raise even more and to get some of the local schools involved. So, besides that Ive not been up to a whole lot.. Just little stuff that adds up. Yesterday was a total bust. I ate junk. The only good thing was I took a vitamin and exercised. Today went better, but not by much. The only reason I was within my calorie range was because I skipped lunch because I was so busy running errands.

1-22 Points:
Vitamin: 1
Exercise: 7
Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner: 1
Total: 9

1-23 Points:
Vitamin: 1
Exercise: 5
Calorie Range: 10
Blog: 3
Total: 19


Mikki said...

That's awesome on the fundraiser!! I responded in the comments on the post down below. Hope it clears things up. I'm scratching my head on a few issues myself. lol

Gwennaƫlle said...

I am glad things went so well.
Yeah advertising only a couple of week prior to the event is pretty short notice.
I am way too far to help but let us know how you do things, what you need so maybe I can someday come up with a good idea to help you make things easier or more effective, I don't know.
I have learned many great things for my life and how to reach my goals or other important things from my time in the US. Not because it was the US (although.....) but because we think very differently. Although many things can't be applied in France the spirit of what I have learned helps me a great deal today.
So I know whatever I can tell you will probably be of no use it could nevertheless help you finding another idea.