Friday, January 20, 2012

Chines grape fruit

Hey girl, as I told you before I think it is much easier for me to do good on this challenge as I wake up when I want, I eat when I want and what I want. I would suggest you (if you want to succeed in this challenge and in your life generally speaking) to sell one or two of your kids.
Beside you would have a little money to invest AND you'd save money each month.


Okkkkkkkkkkkkk but don't complain when I give you my best piece of advice.

By now you understand how much easier it is for me than it is for you so I am not "kicking butts" it is just that I have no good excuse. Oh and I almost forgot that it more than easy to avoid soda pop here. You only get it if you absolutely want one. Not like in the US where they are everywhere. So me drinking soda should almost count as minus 1 point.

Noooooow, the grappe fruit thing.

Here is a pic I took of the (almost gone chinese) grape fruit I got and just because I am always afraid of not being clear enough the part you are supposed to eat and the one you are supposed to leave.


Mikki said...

Thanks for posting the pic, it definitely looks different from that other one.

Haha!! Sell one of my kids? Hmmm, the idea has merit. Just kidding. Somedays though, I could probably be talked into it. lol

I wish it were a little more difficult to get soda here. I just bought one this morning. Naughty me!

Anonymous said...

Thats great advice! Selling the kids haha. Just think with the extra money you could restock your pantry with ONLY healthy foods lol

Sodas are everywhere here.. machines, stores, even gas stations sell them by the case. If they were only sold in packs of 1 I would probably drink less, but Ive found myselfin buying cases of soda and taking forever to drink them, but going to Sonic daily to get a large diet coke.

Anonymous said...

Ah, its also called a pomelo and I found this image to be quite entertaining ;)

Gwennaƫlle said...

We have "pomelos" in France too but they are another kind of grape fruit.

This one is almost gone :(